Increase your energy,
efficiency and health

To use, you do not need to make any special efforts, you can use it right at the workplace, without being distracted from business or even lying on the couch.
We can estimate your company's opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
We develop the main conception of a company according to it's targets and develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Good mood
We develop the strategy, conception, and ideology of the project and offer you city planning ideas.
What is Lifeboar
This is a multifunctional orthopedic dynamic patented system for nail therapy that combines the foundations of the oldest healing methods with modern technologies and scientific discoveries in the field of psychology.
and human physiology
For what?
✓ Increases efficiency and performance.
✓ Relieves stress.
✓ Gives a feeling of new relaxed states.
✓ Provides massage to any area of the body.

How it works?
When shoulders, back muscles are tired at the computer or driving
Simply place the Lifeboard on a tense place, strap it in place, and return to your processes in the back of the chair while the device does all the work.
A point needle effect quickly activates the tissues of our body, improves blood flow, and relaxes the nervous system. As a result, muscle spasms are relieved and pain manifestations go away.
When stress in life, at work, or something goes wrong in business
Spread the Lifeboard on the floor and stand gently on top of it, or simply place your feet on the nail applicators directly under the work table without getting out of the chair.
New tactile sensations quickly immerse you in a state of calm and relaxation. Within 20 minutes, the nervous system will forget that it has experienced stress, and you will be ready to decide to do it in a focused state!
When there is no energy to do things or there is no creative spark
Get on Lifeboard! During the activation of the feet on the nail applicators, a kind of "restart" of the psyche occurs, which allows you to get out of fixation on some thoughts and look at reality in a new way. This relieves excess stress levels and frees up the energy potential for the really necessary actions.
Focus quickly before a competition or workout
Spend 10-15 minutes on the device - this activates a cascade of neuro-endocrine reactions, which instantly awakens the body. Mental processes acquire one-pointedness, thoughts are concentrated. And all this instantly brings the body to the peak of its hidden capabilities.
Torments insomnia or wants to learn to relax quickly
Take the Lifeboard with you to a warm, soft bed and gently lay your back on it or place it under your shoulders. The piquant tingling sensation in 3-5 minutes will turn into a pleasant sensation of overflowing warmth, which will instantly contribute to a quick calm fall asleep and give total relaxation.
When there is a need for new development tools
A calm mind and acceptance are the basic foundations for spiritual development, having which you can go into real meditation. And meditation on nails is a special, deep kind of practice that opens up incredible opportunities and potentials.
What You'll Get
The Lifeboard system is not just a product, but also specially designed detailed video instructions, and a whole community that brings people together!
You will receive step-by-step lessons that will take you by the hand to the desired results and will help you to comfortably and correctly apply Lifeboard in your life.

And also the opportunity to join regular practices, where our specialists teach on-site how to use nail therapy to achieve the set goals.
Learn more
What makes Lifeboard technologies unique?
This is a multifunctional orthopedic dynamic patented system for nail therapy that combines the foundations of the oldest healing methods with modern technologies and scientific discoveries in the field of psychology.
and human physiology
Our Advantages
We work hard every day to make life of our clients better and happier
  • ✓ We use flexible, environmentally friendly rubber
    ✓ A material that is not afraid of water, easily regains its shape due to elasticity and has a velvety surface that is pleasant to touch
  • ✓ The Lifeboard system combines 2 different metals - copper and zinc nails, which creates an electrical potential on the skin during application and multiplies the healing effect.
    ✓ The verified pitch of 9 mm between nails has a positive effect on physiology and is recommended for use at any level of fitness of the body
  • ✓ In the design of the product, the sacred geometry of design is specially developed and applied, which not only creates aesthetics, but also greatly enhances and structures the healing processes.
    The nails on the surface are also arranged in a special way - according to the "flower of life"
  • ✓ All elements of the system are magnetically attached to each other, so the functional parts instantly find their correct position during use.
    ✓ Convenient patented attachment system that provides comfortable fixation and relaxation of any area of the body. Easy to remove and attach back - you can quickly transform the Lifeboard to suit your needs
  • ✓ Convenient patented attachment system that provides comfortable fixation and relaxation of any area of the body. Easy to remove and attach back - you can quickly transform the Lifeboard to suit your needs
  • ✓ The technology of working out all points of the arch of the foot due to a special functional lift - a patented system that has no analogues
For what?
For what?
We work hard every day to make life of our clients better and happier
  • For everyday life
    We are a leading firm in providing quality and value to our customers. Each member of our team has at least 5 years of legal experience.
  • Good Support
    Our managers are always ready to answer your questions. You can call us at the weekends and at night. You can also visit our office for a personal consultation.
  • Individual Approach
    Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
Life Board
+ access to step-by-step tutorials and detailed videos using.
  • flexible system that adapts to body anatomy
  • environmentally friendly rubber
  • copper + zinc nails
  • natural wood
  • comfortable patented system of fixation and development of all points of the arch of the foot
  • specially adjusted pitch between nails - 9 mm
  • compact lightweight dimensions
  • L x W x H - 29 x 13.5 x 3 cm
  • weight 980g
  • mathematically verified sacred geometry design
  • made with love for nature and the surrounding world
Рюкзак | Черный или синий
Самое главное — детали, мы делаем их уникальными. Этот многофункциональный велосипедный рюкзак позволит вам комфортно путешествовать и передвигаться.
4 990
Большой основной отдел на 32 литра, небольшой непромокаемый карман на молнии (12 х 25 см), специальный отдел для ноутбука 15 дюймов или планшета и специальный карман для документов.
Мы используем наилучшие износостойкие материалы. Этот рюкзак полностью изготовлен из плотного полиэстера и водоотталкивающих материалов. У рюкзака есть вентиляционная сетка на спине и по бокам. Верх основного отдела закрывается на магниты.
Выносливость рюкзака
Рюкзак выдерживает вес до 20 килограмм и имеет регулируемые брители с крепкими пластиковыми крепежами WooJin Duraflex и дополнительной горизонтальной застежкой на груди.
  • Размер: 35 см х 18 см х 50 см (70 см в развернутом виде).
  • Внешний карман на молнии.
  • Материал: Водонепроницаемый нейлон CORDURA®.
  • Регулируемые брители с крепежами WooJin Duraflex.
  • Объем: 32 л.
  • Уплотненный отдел для ноутбука.
  • Секретный карман для документов, отдел для ноутбука 15 дюймов.
  • Основной отдел имеет плотное дно и скрытый карман.
  • Плотная конструкция корпуса, поддерживающая спину.
  • Вес рюкзака: 1 кг.
  • Кристина Сережкова
    Я наткнулась на этот рюкзак после долгих поисков и очень рада, что нашла его! Такой рюкзак идеально подходят для любых ситуаций и путешествий.
  • Дмитрий Киров
    Я обожаю рюкзаки Voyageur, они удобные и универсальные. А этот голубой рюкзак уже третий в моей коллекции =)
  • Александр Пешко
    Привет! Ребята, спасибо огромное за качество материалов и продуманность всех деталей. Не расстаюсь с рюкзаком со дня покупки =)
Выберите рюкзак и доставку
Мы шьем рюкзак неделю
Мы доставляем вам ваш заказ
Пошив рюкзака: 3-7 дней. Доставка: 1-2 дня. Доставка по городу курьером 300 рублей. За пределами МКАД 400 рублей. Если вы делаете заказ на два и более рюкзака — доставка бесплатная.
Рюкзак Voyageur
Черный или синий. Выберите свой цвет!
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